BMWAiCoder 5.0 coding BMW on Windows

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BMWAiCoder 5.0 coding BMW on Windows

Message par rgmaster3 » jeu. 24 févr. 2022 09:16


BMWAiCoder 5.0 coding BMW on Windows
60 MB - Cloud Mega

BMWAiCoder 5.0
BMWAiCoder 4.6
BMWAiCoder 4.4
BMWAiCoder 3.7

BMWAiCoder is a program that makes coding a car much easier due to its simplicity. The interface has been translated from Chinese into English, so using the program will become much more comfortable if you do not speak Chinese, of course.

Each button is numbered, allowing you to encode in numbered steps. However, the program is limited in functionality compared to E-Sys, and it is not stable as it is constantly being updated. The program is designed to quickly encode certain values, so do not use it for full-scale encoding. The most stable version of the existing is 4.6.

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