Insofta Cover Commander Portable v7.2.0 - 2023

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Insofta Cover Commander Portable v7.2.0 - 2023

Message par rgmaster3 » dim. 16 juil. 2023 23:39


Insofta Cover Commander Portable v7.2.0 - 2023
82 MB - Google drive

OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10
Language: Multilanguage

Insofta Cover Commander Portable is very easy to use and allows you to create very professional 3D packaging renderings without professional design capabilities. Users can add templates and various special effects to the cover in wizard mode, and it can be done in a few simple steps. Once the design is complete, it can also be previewed in stereoscopic 3D mode. , which is very

Insofta Cover Commander Portable allows you to create professional looking product packaging and application screenshots suitable for web publishing or print.
The software offers several design templates to create simulated discs with or without discs and stereoscopic 3D screenshots with optional shadow and reflection effects, either sharp or curved.
All you have to do is upload images for the front, back, and side covers, or a screenshot of a standard application window, and the software will apply your chosen style and allow you to adjust camera angles, shadows, reflections and lighting settings to further enhance. customize your design.
It can be previewed in stereoscopic 3D mode and can be freely rotated to achieve the desired effect.
Final designs can be rendered in various sizes and saved as PNG, GIF, JPG, or BMP image formats. The design results are amazing!

Software features:
Combine scenes from multiple 3D objects.
3D models:
3D primitives (spheres, cylinders, cones, pyramids, cubes), boxes, disc cases, discs, screenshots, curved screenshots, DVD cases, DVD cases with discs, books, paperbacks, rounded corners Book, Manual, Vista Box, Card, Spiral Book, Laptop, iPad Pro, iPhone X/6s/SE/5c, iMac, Samsung Galaxy S6, Nexus 9, iPad 2/3/4 with flip, Monitor, Blu-ray case, Blu-ray with disc, monitor, TV, CD case, CD case with disc.

* Let the built-in wizard do the dirty work for you and focus on the artistic details of your cover.
* Create multiple projects, analyze multiple images with a single command (batch mode).
* Save the resulting image with a transparent background and use it for complex print or web designs.
* Save light, shadow, and reflection settings with a unique name and use these settings in other projects.
* Set the size of the resulting image (up to 4000 x 4000) and the margins in pixels.
* Capture the attention of your customers with animated pictures, covers or screenshots (GIF, SWF, AVI).
* Don't spend more than it really costs to create a great cover. Create additional covers for free!

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