Mercedes Sprinter Vito Start Error Repair 1.3

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Re: Mercedes Sprinter Vito Start Error Repair 1.3

Message par yanis974re » mar. 17 janv. 2023 03:55

rgmaster3 a écrit :
mar. 15 déc. 2020 14:44

Mercedes Sprinter Vito Start Error Repair 1.3
Cloud Mega

Are you facing a non-start situation with your Mercedes Sprinter or Mercedes Vito?
GML AutoKeys have dealt with these issues on many Mercedes commercial vehicles.
The main cause of the START ERROR being displayed on the dash is due to corruption of data in 2 of the vehicles main units,
one is the Temic immobiliser box also known as the WSP and the Main Engine control unit.


We recommend trying a few things prior to giving us a call.
Test vehicles battery to be in a good state
Try a different key
Try your original key on its own with no other keys surrounding the ignition
If you have done this and you still have the START ERROR message there could be a number of issues,
we recommend having a diagnosis by our team to pinpoint where the fault lies.
We will get as much information over the phone to give you a rough diagnosis then move forward with fixing the fault.
Common Faults leading to START ERROR on a Mercedes Sprinter Or Mercedes Vito:
Jump starting
Battery power not sufficient
The transponder in your key is faulty or missing
Antena coil on ignition faulty
ECU fault
Fuel pump fault
We also recommend testing for power on your WSP plug.
Pin 3 is continuous +12V direct from the battery, Red/Yellow Wire
Pin 7 is ignition +12V when your key is in position 1 and 2, Black /Yellow Wire
If there is no power on either you will get START ERROR on the dash.
Give GML AutoKeys a call today to discuss what we can do for you and get you back on the road!

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Re: Mercedes Sprinter Vito Start Error Repair 1.3

Message par rgmaster3 » mar. 17 janv. 2023 07:27

yanis974re a écrit :
mar. 17 janv. 2023 03:55
rgmaster3 a écrit :
mar. 15 déc. 2020 14:44

Mercedes Sprinter Vito Start Error Repair 1.3
Cloud Mega

Are you facing a non-start situation with your Mercedes Sprinter or Mercedes Vito?
GML AutoKeys have dealt with these issues on many Mercedes commercial vehicles.
The main cause of the START ERROR being displayed on the dash is due to corruption of data in 2 of the vehicles main units,
one is the Temic immobiliser box also known as the WSP and the Main Engine control unit.


We recommend trying a few things prior to giving us a call.
Test vehicles battery to be in a good state
Try a different key
Try your original key on its own with no other keys surrounding the ignition
If you have done this and you still have the START ERROR message there could be a number of issues,
we recommend having a diagnosis by our team to pinpoint where the fault lies.
We will get as much information over the phone to give you a rough diagnosis then move forward with fixing the fault.
Common Faults leading to START ERROR on a Mercedes Sprinter Or Mercedes Vito:
Jump starting
Battery power not sufficient
The transponder in your key is faulty or missing
Antena coil on ignition faulty
ECU fault
Fuel pump fault
We also recommend testing for power on your WSP plug.
Pin 3 is continuous +12V direct from the battery, Red/Yellow Wire
Pin 7 is ignition +12V when your key is in position 1 and 2, Black /Yellow Wire
If there is no power on either you will get START ERROR on the dash.
Give GML AutoKeys a call today to discuss what we can do for you and get you back on the road!

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Re: Mercedes Sprinter Vito Start Error Repair 1.3

Message par estocada » dim. 21 janv. 2024 19:21

Здравствуйте. Можно ссылку на скачивание. Пожалуйста

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Re: Mercedes Sprinter Vito Start Error Repair 1.3

Message par richizer » lun. 26 févr. 2024 08:50

Hello, thank you for this contribution, I need the link to be able to use


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