NCD / CAFD Tool v0.3.0

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NCD / CAFD Tool v0.3.0

Message par rgmaster3 » dim. 22 nov. 2020 13:18


NCD/CAFD Tool is software written by TokenMaster.NCD/CAFD Tool is special for NCD/CAFD files,compare NCD/CFAD file,trimmed CAFD and FA2FP files.And for more BMW software

How to Use NCD/CAFD Tool?
Read both vehicle NCD’s and CAFD (from SWE\CAFD).
More verbose descriptions than premium launcher mapping
ability to easily see options (nicht_aktiv, aktiv, etc) without having to double-click or Right click and select edit
ability to copy data

NCD Compare
Load two *.ncd’s and quickly and easily visually compare differences.
Could be used to compare your factory files to version with FDL coded changes.

Decrypt CAFD
Can decrypt CAFD, FAFP, and other files.
Can saved decrypted file and search using IE, notepad, or wordpad

Load and search existing FA file

FA Viewer:
Search all existing and possible factory options for particular FA

FP Viewer:
Without loading particular FA, you can select given series and build level. Then, view and search VO options, E-words, etc. Could you to create FA in notepad

FA Compare
Compare two FA’s and highlight differences

Play what-if games with FA’s

Play more robust what-if games with SVT’s.
Way to test VO/ FA changes and know which ECU’s affected and how. Then you could either FDL-code or know which ECU’s to VO code.
Helpful in situations like changing languages or adding 6NS and knowing whether vehicle has separate combox with HU_CIC.

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